A Digital/Graphic Designer.
A Creative HTML Developer.
Data story weaving in the relationship between youth crimes, stress, depression, college scholastic ability tests in Korea. Full analysis post. More @Medium>>
A speech-to-text device that forms lasting relationships between volunteers and the homeless. Through visiting a homeless shelter for 8 weeks. More>>
Using graffiti as a brush to simulate analog architectural drawings. Using 3D camera movement to simulate pencil-drawn parametric design. More>>
Inspired by Calvino's Invisible Citis to create a world where, computers infinitely make cities with needed transportations maps. More>>
Collection of video uploads in coding and physical computing experiment tests, motion graphics, and media design. More>>
This is a writing on the aftermath of Carnisseur™, a fictional food corporation placed not so far into the future, its emergence and its lessons. The whole project is based on the premise that food future will be inevitably exploited by capitalistic tools. A criticism on corporations that commercializes basic rights to live as a human being. More>>