A Digital/Graphic Designer.
A Creative HTML Developer.


Architectural Graffiti
New York, NY


When you have technology that creates artistic graphics, how do you use it pragmatically?

This personal project was about using graphical technology for practical uses. 000000book.com is a site where graffiti is translated into digital data points. Using graffiti data points as a brush, I was able to simulate analog architectural drawings. By moving the points on a canvas by rotation of 3D camera movements. This was simulated pencil-drawn parametric design.

Technically speaking, I used processing to mine xml graffiti data list and rendered in them real-time. I then used camera 3d movements to keep handlers in check. And let the rendering of 3D draw on the canvas.

I was able to produce beautiful creative coded art, but needed a pragmatic solution for these forms. It became a tool to create patterns and use the art as background resources for poster typography. What are others way of using graphics? How does one balance between aesthetics and pragmatics?